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The recent ‘bitcoin giveaway’ scams on Twitter and YouTube only underline secure bitcoin trading is the only bitcoin trading option

In less than 2 hours on July 15th 130 high-profile  Twitter  accounts – including Apple, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Uber and even Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates not to mention some well-known names in the bitcoin world
3119 Hits

Dispute with Private School Fees

If your child’s school is closed or can’t provide the levels of education and care they promised, can you ask for a refund on their school fees? If you send your children to a private school or college, you have
8694 Hits

Financial Services Invest Heavily in Blockchain Technology

A new study from the United States has revealed that the financial services industry is spending about $1.7 billion per year on blockchain technology. This investment comes as banks and other firms move beyond the proof-of-concept stage and start rolling out commercial distributed ledger technology (DLT) products.

1361 Hits

Contract Arbitration Proceedings Focused on Achieving Finality

Arbitration is akin to litigation in the Court.  One party will win, one party will lose.  The losing party is often left feeling aggrieved as to the decision of the court and will seek a way to appeal if possible
1334 Hits

Bankrupt Handed 15-Year Ban

It is not often a Director is disqualified.  It is even rarer for a disqualified director  to be disqualified again whilst disqualified!  However, if a director is disqualified, they must take that disqualification seriously.  A de facto director found this
1432 Hits

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